Monday, June 30, 2008

They're Kicking!!

Week 22
They are getting bigger in there for sure! I feel them moving and kicking all the time. All grandparents have now felt them kick, as well as Uncle Andrew. I think sometimes they're wrestling because at times there is a lot of motion in the middle!

Friday, June 20, 2008


It is officially TWO boys!
Twin A's cute little face looks so peaceful...

Twin B's spine looks great as he snuggles into the side...

We are so thrilled to bring these two little guys into the world!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

One BOY! The other was hiding...

It has been confirmed that one for sure is a BOY!! The obgyn and Jonathan were pretty sure the other one is too, but we are going in for a long untrasound on the 18th to find out for sure. We are soo excited! You can see in the top picture a couple legs and you know...

Starting to show

Week 17
It's fun now that strangers in the supermarket or bank or wherever start talking to me about it. It's funny when they ask if it's my first and I get to tell them it's our first AND second! :)

2nd Ultrasound

They're getting bigger!! The top picture you can see their heads at opposite sides with their arms and legs in the center. And then the bottom baby with the head and spine showing

It's TWINS!!!

Our 1st Ultrasound... Clueless as to the fact it was twins, until Jillian noticed a strange line that divided two different dark areas...what could that be? Twins? YES!!!