The boys seats are now facing forward!! It's so precious to see them sleeping. Other than that, they pretty much act the same but they do love looking out the front window.
We went up to the mountains a few weeks ago and the snow carving festival was going on in Breckenridge. It was amazing! It's so cool to see what all these countries' artists can carve from a massive block of snow.
Noah, Caleb
Noah, Caleb
We were able to go skiing with my brothers and Dad, we had a blast!
The boys new aunt-to-be, Shantelle!
Oh, I fell in love with this art table. The boys LOVE it, but it takes a lot of supervision right now. They still try to take little bites out of the crayons and try to get away to take them all over the house. So, right now we don't color too often, but it will be a standard once they're a little older.
Reading their books... da, da, da...DA! DA! DA!!
Sitting on their new tricycles with bert and ernie puppets. Noah, Caleb