Tuesday, March 23, 2010

First Mississippi Trip

We recently flew down to Mississippi to visit Jonathan's Grammy. We had a great time and we were so thankful we just did it, even with twin one and a half year olds on the plane!! Jonathan's mom came with us which was a huge help. Here are some pictures from our first trip...

Patrick, Elijah, Emily and Isaiah Stafford

Jonathan kissing his Grammy

A bunch of us who were staying at Grammy's

Teresa and Jamie with Caleb and Noah. Look at Noah's expression on the right, it's one of our favorites that he does every once in a while these days :)

The boys with Great Uncle Philip

Down in New Orleans for a day, as well as Hammond, where Jonathan was born

Jonathan and sweet Isaiah

The boys and Jonathan out at Great Uncle Gene's place
Out on the pond at Grammy's

This picture with Jonathan holding the boys hands is so sweet!!

Papa's birdhouses

The boys just loved being outside!!

We all met at Shoney's to eat breakfast

The boys with Grandma Mayles (Caleb, left and Noah right)

Noah sitting on the chair
Caleb making a funny face
Caleb having fun on the airplane
Me and Noah
Oh the boys loved the planes

Noah looking out the window

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