Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I quickly learned that when the boys help me work outside it turns into looking like this very quickly! This is Noah.

Here is Caleb

Caleb- I love this photo! Jonathan had taken out the screen so he coudl have a better view watching the Masters while he watched the boys....such a guy :) Noah giving his classic eye-squinting grin
It was so fun watching our bushes start blomming and the tulips coming up.... I loved it so much it turned me into a gardener!!

We sanded and stained our deck recently. It really needed it and the boys were getting splinters almost everyday so it quickly became a huge priority! Oh, the work never ends when you own a house, but it is a privledge at the same time. We have already learned so much!
We were filthy! Oh and we had to finished sanding while the boys took their nap... always extra challenging
Caleb and Ava McCabe on our day trip to the Springs to hang out
Noah and Charlotte McCabe
Caleb and Noah so sweetly building with their blocks... this is another favorite activity because it is also so peaceful :)

These pictures are when we went to Outdoor world, it was perfect for a rainy day!
So I shouldn't have been smiling in this photo because it was late at night and the boys had woken up, then preceded to make us all wear hats. I was so exhausted, but here I am smiling...just picture me with a crazed look on my face and that will be more realistic.

Noah and Daddy... crazy hat night
Jonathan took the boys to the zoo by himself so that I could finish doing the detail stain work on the deck. He did such a great job and from the pictures it looks like they got to see a bunch of cool animals.
The Grizzly bear is Jonathan's favorite. The boys could be just as excited if there was a bird or squirrel next to them, but they do love the zoo.
A baby giraffe had just been born, you can see it in the background.
They also got to go play at City Park. They look so cute with their blankies on their trek to the playground!
Pushing a BIG TRUCK (their favorite word) back and forth on the floor.
The finished deck!

Noah insisting I sweep with him. He always makes em have a broom if he has his :)
Caleb smelling the tulips
Noah smelling the tulips
Noah with his broom.

The bulbs I had planted in the fall. I was amazed they came up!

I love this flowering tree, this is my area of serenity and peace, I just go lay on the hammock.

Noah found out how to put his hands in his pockets.
So did Caleb
Just learning how to put their hands in their pockets!

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